Aon Solutions Ltd
1st Floor, The Pod
Vivéa Business Park
Moka 81406

Business Registration No : C06017939
t:(230) 460 3800
f:(230) 434 0643

Aon Solutions Ltd is committed to sponsoring community projects with the aim of promoting the welfare of a pre-identified vulnerable group. This is done through a participative fun day whilst serving to help the company meet its more recent legal CSR requirement of 2% of net profits. Community-focused projects serve to strengthen links by involving the ¨hands-on¨ participation of members of staff and their families with the company providing the necessary funds for the purchase of equipment and materials required. Community projects usually take place outside office hours to add to the “giving” spirit.

Community Project at Domaine Les Pailles in the company of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)

This year, the CSR team had been moved by the actions of the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). MDA is the only association for muscular dystrophy in Mauritius and so far it has taken care of sixty- four patients suffering from different types of dystrophy. There is no cure for the disease and the life expectancy of a patient is on average thirty years. Early therapy, such as physiotherapy, can help to slow down the progression of the disease and therefore allows the patient to lead a better life with more autonomy and mobility for a longer period. We had identified the following two projects with the MDA:

Our CSR day was held in the company of the patients and their care-givers at Domaine Les Pailles on Saturday 23 June 2012. They had the opportunity to go on a choo-choo tour around the Domaine on the train "Lady Alice". We all had  lunch at La Cannelle restaurant accompanied by merry, gladdening and lively entertainment. We were in the company of approximately one hundred and thirty-five persons from the MDA family, including around forty patients (all of whom are wheelchair users), on that day.

We shall be financing the physiotherapy sessions of the five most needy muscular dystrophy sufferers over a period of eight months.

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