Aon Solutions Ltd
1st Floor, The Pod
Vivéa Business Park
Moka 81406

Business Registration No : C06017939
t:(230) 460 3800
f:(230) 434 0643

We help organizations around the world take control of their pension benefits by providing superior financial and risk control information, insight, and guidance.

Annual Services

Providing annual valuations of retirement plans is at the heart of our actuarial services.

Our deep, global actuarial experience helps employers increase control over factors that directly impact their bottom line. Our actuaries: 

  • Develop funding and accounting strategies, actuarial assumptions and methods based on expert trend analysis under various scenarios
  • Determine expenses that should be recorded on profit and loss statements
  • Calculate balance sheet liabilities
  • Prepare consolidated financial information for all pension plans
  • Conduct periodic required valuations of your pension plans for contribution funding purposes – to provide you with a greater understanding of your plan – and also legislative purposes
  • Assess your current defined benefit liabilities, predict future liabilities, and help manage the volatile costs of today’s global economy
  • Prepare actuarial certificates as required by legislation, such as benefit certificates and funding and solvency certificates
  • Assess the impact of special events such as purchases and sales, termination of a business or the closure of a pension plan
  • Assistance with mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
  • Asset liability projections
  • Provide broader strategic consulting advice
  • Expense and balance sheet results for retiree medical plans
  • Calculate and disclose directors’ pension costs
  • Propose remedial measures in case of underfunding

We tailor our actuarial services to meet client-specific needs, including budget estimates, asset and liability projections, and administrative support. We also provide strategy, analysis, and support for government compliance, mergers and acquisitions, union negotiations, and executive retirement plans. 

State-of-the-art modelling and forecasting

Our consultants use robust modelling capabilities to help clients project future pension plan liabilities and gain more control over volatile pension costs.

Deep retirement benefit expertise

In addition to actuarial services, many of our clients also choose us for plan design and employee communications in order to maximize the value of their pension benefits.

Quality procedures

We strive to reduce your risk further, by adhering to strict policies regarding peer review, accuracy, quality assurance, retention, and conduct.

Full-Spectrum Service

Aon’s consultants focus on what’s important to your business and the timeliness of delivering key business information.  We help you better understand the impact your liabilities have on your accounts, and provide you with this information in advance of year end so you can avoid surprises and adjust budgets accordingly.

We also ensure that our clients are fully informed of the financial impact of any changes they propose to make, from both a funding and accounting perspective.

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